Marshmallow Bars

I’ve been in Nags Head, NC with the fam this week.   I got an itchin’ to bake.  Yeah I know it’s the beach and it’s hot and there’s sand everywhere but I gotta bake something anyway.   It’s relaxing for me…..

I took an 11 mile bike ride this morning.  On the way back I stopped at the bank drive through ATM to get some cash (on my bike) and then went to the Food Lion for provisions.  Funny, they still have Piggly Wiggly here!  So cool!

So I wanted to make regular chocolate chip cookies.  You know the basic Toll House kind, but I couldn’t find the cookie sheet (turns out it was in the drawer below the oven..).   So I figured cookie bars would be just as good.  And they were.

Basic Toll House with lemon juice and cinnamon added.  Extra chocolate chips, toasted macadamia nuts and pretzle sticks.   Topped off with Jet Puffed Marshmallow Stackers in the last 10 minutes of baking.


Marshmallow Cookie Bars

Marshmallow Cookie Bars

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