Elaine has been one of my muses for a while. She’s beautiful and poised and fun. I took photos of her and Chris as an engagement session down in Santa Monica in 2010. Actually the day my father died. Not when we were shooting but late that night. So I will always remember that. They had a great wedding. Beautiful wedding. It was fun and traditional and they managed to blend together their cultures in a really unique way. I had never seen a Korean wedding ceremony so it was really cool that they added it during the reception.
Anyhoo, Elaine and Chris got pregnant pretty quickly. She was really beautiful pregnant too! Their baby was due on Dec 25th but decided to come on the 4th of January! Way late! They decided to find out the gender of their baby when she was born – so cool. A couple of days ago I got to meet little Eliana. Ted days old! She is gorgeous and a good baby. I wish I could have take a million photos of her. She a cute little chublet and I’m so happy for Elaine and Chris!
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