Empire of Light
My friend Greg wrote a book called Empire of Light. You might remember him as I shot his wedding to Stefania last year. He’s a filmmaker and went to AFI. I created a website for his short Sax’s Final Orbit. So when he asked to borrow my camera to shoot a trailer for his […]
Sugar Club
I’m not talking about actual sugar. The kind that’s good to eat but not good for you. This is the good clean fun kind of sugar. A few weeks ago at Alison’s birthday party Tro told me she was going to be dancing and choreographing a burlesque show called Sugar Club. I half way invited […]
Canon 5D MK III !!!
I mentioned a few days ago that I got the Lytro camera and although cool, I returned it. I just didn’t see a need. I like my “regular” camera or what Janet called my “big girl” camera. I originally got a Canon 5D and was thoroughly challenged. I learned how to shoot in manual mode […]