Sweet Things

My personal collection of recipes, stories and photographs. Available at Blurb, Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle store Sweet Things (softcover) by Cathy Merenda | Make Your Own Book
Birthday Girl

I’ve worked with Fran for years. Many years. We’ve gone through a lot of work shit together and came out on the other side better, calmer and well, older! It is her birthday today. I’ve been doing these faux magazine covers as birthday “cards”. First was Kristina, then Emily and now Fran. They are all […]
Dave Merenda & Commuter: Young Hearts

Finally released! Original recordings from the 80’s including a live version of “Young Hearts” from The Karate Kid recorded at The Palace in Hollywood. Spotify Album Review: If you were ever lucky enough to remember this 80’s electropop, New Wave band Commuter, you would love this album. Dave Merenda, the venerable leader of the band, […]

Dave has a bunch of recordings from his old band Commuter in the late 80’s. At that time he had a song “Young Hearts” in the movie Karate Kid. We’re going to put them up on iTunes. We don’t have much to go on as far as artwork – just 2 photos. So here are […]
Chocolate Seastorm: Float
The second of our double release. Loungy, bossa, samba, jazzy fun stuff. The cover is Alanna’s legs from a trip she took. Beautiful…
Chocolate Seastorm: Swim
Well we finally got it done. We got all of our old recordings together and put them out on two releases. Swim is the more uptempo and rock stuff. Float is the smooth, loungy, bossa stuff.The cover of Swim uses a photo I took in Calestoga, CA at the Indian Springs hot mineral pool.Now on […]
Seastorm Ideas
The one’s that didn’t make it…. Original “float” idea – looks just like Alanna’s arm…. mock up using art from iStock…love this Alanna’s photo of a dog in Thailand Alanna’s photo reflecting her face in fall leaves…very cool shot. Alanna’s photo of a boat in the ocean in Thailand…really nice picture
Dark Archies
Dave put together some of his Dark Archies recordings to give as a gift to Jack Gordon for Christmas. It came out so great he might put it out for reals. I took this picture of Dave at a recording session at Santa Monica Sound back in the day. Lots of photoshopping got it to […]
Sweet Things 2nd edition

Just got the second edition of Sweet Things back from the printer. Looks great and is so much thicker than the 1st edition! Yeah! Going off to Vermont soon to tape Girls Night Out… eep!
Dave Merenda: Nine Nights
Ahh, finally finished the artwork, layout, etc for Dave’s new jazz cd, Nine Nights. I wanted to make the letters real big so you’d be able to read it when it’s a tiny iTunes icon. I took a page from Saturday Night Live’s open but tried to add more dimension.