
I know I just mentioned my Dad on Memorial Day but today is the anniversary of his passing. June 6, 2010. It was not unexpected or shocking but I was still shaken to the core. The intense family drama surrounding the intensity of watching my tall, strong and capable father die was overwhelming. Although it […]
Another Day

Another day goes by and I am thinking of my Dad. He left us in June 2010 and really a day doesnt go by where I don’t think of him..and my Mom. Love them both and miss them tremendously. I really do. My Dad was a 30 year Army vet so every memorial day I […]
House For Sale :0(
We’ll it’s all coming to a head soon. Dad’s house is on the market. Kind of a shock to see the “for sale” sign out front. The house looks great thanks to a lot of hard work from Jack, Judy, Tim, David and various friends. Boy they all worked so hard. Especially Jack. And it’s […]
Well today is the one month anniversary of the death of my father, Jack O’Donohue. We’re still recovering. Lots of tragedy in the past 2 months. I know of 6 people who have died and one house that caught fire. Lots of sudden major changes in people’s lives. That said, life does go on. I […]