Posts Tagged ‘Virginia’


A week and a half ago I decided to book two trips.  I went to see Mary in Carmel and now I am at my Sisters house in Virginia.  I needed some support, friends and family.  I’m glad I decided to go on these trips.   Flying is so easy now (yes, in spite of the […]

House For Sale :0(

We’ll it’s all coming to a head soon. Dad’s house is on the market. Kind of a shock to see the “for sale” sign out front. The house looks great thanks to a lot of hard work from Jack, Judy, Tim, David and various friends. Boy they all worked so hard. Especially Jack. And it’s […]

Tough Week

Went back east to visit the fam.   Meagan graduated from VA Tech so we went to Blacksburg for the ceremonies.   Flight cancellation, rebooking, 4 hour drives, prison dorms, no sleep, more driving.  Visited Dad up in nova too.   Sadness, fighting, stress, weakness, no sleep.   Work is tough too.   Tough week.   Glad to have good friends, […]