Mendl’s Courtesan Au Chocolat Experiment

The Grand Budapest Hotel is certainly on the list as a favorite Wes Anderson film (up there with Fantastic Mr. Fox,The Darjeeling Limited and Moonrise Kingdom). There are just too many great ones to choose a real favorite. Anyhow, I have been obsessed with the Courtesan Au Chocolate pastry from the film’s bakery Mendl’s […]

Ms. Stewart introduced me to these about 10 years ago and I’ve made these every winter since. They’re pretty easy to make but you have to be very careful with the hot syrup. They are great in hot chocolate especially if you use a bittersweet chocolate. The bitter chocolate with the sweet marshmallow is a […]
Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins

These are goooood. Really good. Very similar to the recipe in my book Sweet Things but in muffin form and a couple of small changes. I added espresso powder and took out the poppy seeds (although they would work in this recipe). I also added some bran flakes to give them a little more density. […]
Cupcake Camp LA
On top of everything else, I signed up to participate in CUPCAKE CAMP LA presented by It’s a charity cupcake festival to benefit Angel Acres, a horse haven rescue, American Tortoise Rescue and Invisible People, a homeless charity. One of the sponsors is Scharffen Berger Chocolate! Only good things can happen with all of these things coming […]
Girls Night Out

Dave & I taped “Girls Night Out” with Toney Pozek for GNAT-TV in Manchester, VT. I made four recipes from my book, “Sweet Things” in front of a live audience. Hot Chocolate, Granola, Pecan Sticky Buns and Savory Ricotta Tortes were enjoyed by the audience. My sister Judy came along and helped with a ton of stuff. The show […]