Happy Holidays from Fox Music 2015

Here we go again. Another year another Fox Music Holiday Card! This is the 8th year that I’ve shot an e-card. The productions keep getting bigger and “hopefully” better. Actually, last year was a huge production that took about 2 months to complete. This year was different but still a big project. So I wanted […]
2014 Moments

I did this last year and thought I’d do it again. I went through all of the photos on my phone for the past 12 months and picked some favorites or just fun moments.
Book! Book! Book!
My book is out! My book is out! This morning I woke up and did the same thing I’ve done since last Monday, turn on my iPad and do a search for Sweet Things in the iBookstore. Every day….nothing. When Sweet Things showed up in the store this morning I nearly fell out of bed! Sweet […]