Wow. This was a big week. I didn’t realize how much anxiety I had waiting for this week to be over until now. There’s a reason why people are buried right after they die. Closure. My Dad passed away on June 6th but we just buried him on Sept 22nd. Being a retired Army Colonel, Dad was honored with a full military honors ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery but there are only so many a day so there’s a backup. Three and a half months for us. The ceremony was aweseome. Caisson, full band, rifle volleys, and a riderless horse. He would have loved it. The precision and respect was incredible. The next day he was honored at the NVAR opening ceremony for their new green building. He was the chair of the building committee and had worked on that building for years. It was a great building and a real nice group of folks who really loved my Dad. They dedicated a garden out front to him. The amazing thing is that the current NVAR President, Vinh Nguyen, had been processed through Camp Rainbow in Guam during Operation New Life – Dad was the commanding officer. So there was an extra special connection between them. Finally, Dad’s house is sold and closed. It was a rough escrow and a bit of drama at the end but it’s over. Closure and relief.
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