Who knew? Of course the King of Fruit should have it’s own day. Feb 4th. Get ready! It’s going to be HUGE!
I love love medjool dates. There’s nothing like a big fat fresh one! Luckily, I live close to the Date Capital of the World in Coachella Valley. There a many date farms out there and the freshest dates are at hand.
I like to eat them raw. I discovered a variation of this recipe in a raw lifestyle pamplet in the early 90’s. Once I tried it I became obsessed and literally ate it every morning for about 10 years. TEN years. Literally. Somehow I got sidetracked with granloa and stopped having it every morning but I still love it.
It’s called Apple Thing for no apparent reason. It could be called Raw Apple Pie, Apple Hash or something like that but Apple Thing suits and it stuck. Oh and it’s in my book Sweet Things. Yeah!
For one serving
1 apple (a sweet variety like Fuji, Braeburn, Gala)
1/4 cup raw whole almonds
1/4 lemon
3-4 medjool dates, pitted
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Slice apple in half, then core. Leave skin on.
Put almonds in a Cuisinart food processor with the blade attachment and pulse about 10 times until almonds have a rough chop.
Add pitted dates and pulse until mixture is crumbly and dates are chopped and incorporated.
Leave date mixture in bottom of Cuisinart but take out blade and insert either grating or french fry attachment.
Put top back on Cuisinart, insert apple into tube and shred. Remove top and blade attachment in Cuisinart. Dump apple mixture into wide bowl. Squeeze lemon juice on top then sprinkle with cinnamon.
Serve immediately.
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