Happy Holidays from Fox Music 2015

Here we go again. Another year another Fox Music Holiday Card! This is the 8th year that I’ve shot an e-card. The productions keep getting bigger and “hopefully” better. Actually, last year was a huge production that took about 2 months to complete. This year was different but still a big project. So I wanted […]
Grain Bowl Obsession: Dream Bowl

Not sure what prompted me a few weeks ago to stop by Food on Pico. Maybe it’s just that there was a parking spot. I was running errands during my lunch break and saw a parking spot right in front so I decided to run in and grab something to go so I could take […]
Video: Comin’ In Hot

I made a music video. Not my first one. I’ve done the Fox Music holiday videos, one for my friend Paula’s band Lonnie Starlet and one for Eleanor Dubinsky for a song Dave wrote called “Love Is”. The Fox videos are getting to be bigger and bigger productions every year and they are a lot of […]
Mendl’s Courtesan Au Chocolat Experiment

The Grand Budapest Hotel is certainly on the list as a favorite Wes Anderson film (up there with Fantastic Mr. Fox,The Darjeeling Limited and Moonrise Kingdom). There are just too many great ones to choose a real favorite. Anyhow, I have been obsessed with the Courtesan Au Chocolate pastry from the film’s bakery Mendl’s […]
2014 Moments

I did this last year and thought I’d do it again. I went through all of the photos on my phone for the past 12 months and picked some favorites or just fun moments.
Best of 2014

Some of my favorite moments from 2014. Top row left: Taja emulating Carrie Bradshaw in an ode to Sex in the City, Eliana’s Pink horse, Green Bench outside Bluebird, Kings Road London, Debra at 9 months, Dave on the piano at Sonic Fuel Studios, Carolina headshot taken on rooftop, London Eye Capsules, Night shot of […]
Happy Holidays from Fox Music 2014

I’ve been making e-cards for my department at work for years. The past 6 years however I’ve really stepped it up. With each year the pressure is greater to do a better card. After each card is complete I inevitably get the comment “This year was my favorite. How are you ever going to top […]
Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red

So I was in London in February for work then again in June with Katy and Meagan for fun. February was cold, dark and rainy and I had to work. June was sunny, warm, the sun set at 10 o’clock at night and we explored London like tourists (we were!). Rebecca went in July for […]
KCRW Pie Contest

I love pie. Especially the filling. I do love crust but only when it’s really good. Making pie crust on the other hand is a whole other story. It’s the Holy Grail for me. I took the Professional Baking course at the New School of Cooking in Culver City just for the pie crust part. […]
Oh Baby Baby

Has there been an explosion of babies on the earth? Or at least in Southern California? I dunno but seems like everywhere I go, everywhere I look or every person I talk to either has a baby, or is going to have a baby or is thinking of having a baby. Eep. Anyhow, […]
Apple Thing & National Medjool Date Day

Who knew? Of course the King of Fruit should have it’s own day. Feb 4th. Get ready! It’s going to be HUGE! I love love medjool dates. There’s nothing like a big fat fresh one! Luckily, I live close to the Date Capital of the World in Coachella Valley. There a many date […]
Vegetarian Paella

Angel requested Paella for her birthday because she’s never had it. So she threw it out there for someone to make it for her birthday. I grabbed it because I’ve never made it and if someone else was going to make it I’m sure it would have meat in it. So I selfishly […]
2013 Flipgram Review

This is a little late but thought I’d post it anyway. Flipgram is a very cool app. You load in whatever photos you have on your phone and it makes a little movie out of it. You can set the speed and add music to it. I ended up having more photos from the last […]
Best of 2013

Here’s a summary of my life in photos for 2013. It started out with my usual trip to Cannes and London but this time Janet came which made it a bit more fun. I got to show her a tiny bit of Europe and London. She was in awe and I loved it. […]
Walter Mitty Clementine Cake

Ok so I work for the studio that made The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. So right upfront you’d think I’d be biased towards the film. Well working for Fox has nothing to do with it. I really love every second and every frame of this movie. To quote Sophia Grace, it is SOOOO […]
Happy Holidays from Fox Music 2013

Arrghh! Again! I had a lot of pressure to top last year’s card. It was a good one. One take like in Goodfellas (albeit not nearly as good). So this year I though we’d do a movie trailer. Hey we work in the movie business so why not? The idea was the different departments would […]
T-Giving Stuffing Waffles

I know this is late but I’ve been a little tied up. Went to Meg and Lynnie’s for Thanksgiving. Paula was coordinating the menu so I told her I could do some veggie things as per usual. So I made what I normally make in this situation Tiny Furkey Legs with stuffing, […]
Light Me Up

I’ve been experimenting with lighting. Natural light photography is great and beautiful and I love it but I wanted to see if I could control the situation. Also, I want to try a continuous lighting setup. No flash for me! With the advent of LED and CFL lighting why would anyone want to mess with […]
Spaghetti Giganti

I bought the Spaghetti Giganti to use as strings for the Guitar Cake. Turns out dental floss worked better as strings. The pasta was definitely LONG enough…I mean it’s 37 inches long! Yes, that’s right, more than 3 times longer than regular spaghetti. I can’t even fit it into my cabinets. Too long. So it’s […]
Bon Voyage Marissa

Marissa is making a big jump in her life. She’s going to live in London! She’s going to grad school! This is BIG. When we met to do one of our regular photo shoots she was positively glowing. So happy for her and can’t wait to shoot her in London!
Guitar Cake

Meg and Diane decided to have a surprise birthday party for Paula. Meg got her a really fancy Epiphone Les Paul electric guitar as a gift. Wow. Others got together and got Paula an amp. Wow again! Meg and Diane asked if I could make a guitar cake for the party. […]
3 Years

First Memorial Day now today. June 6 is the anniversary of my father’s passing. Jack O’Donohue. It’s funny how his death and my mother’s death have stuck with me so strong. And Didi of course. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t think of all three of them.
Memorial Day

I still think about my Dad. A lot. It’s been almost 3 years now since he passed away and it seems like yesterday. And here it is Memorial Day weekend and it all comes back full strength. My Dad and his brother Paul, Uncle Paul, were both in the Army. Dad was older […]
Grape Throat

Well I went “wine tasting” with Carolina and Haydee (C and H for short). My version of wine tasting is that you go around to different wineries, say in Napa Valley or some such place like that, and get small tastings of their offerings to see if you want to buy a bottle or two […]