I got to shoot Kat again. This time she asked if I could shoot her raw and edgy. So we met down in Venice. My original idea was to go to the Venice Art Walls. They’re awesome. Originally they were just leftover walls from the Venice Pavillion from the 60’s. Graffiti just appeared on these […]
Photo Weekend
I took a lot of pictures this weekend! Yay and finally. First I went on the Venice Garden Tour. It’s a looky-loo paradise benefitting the Neighboroood Youth Association Las Douridas Childrens Center. So it’s a great charity. Second, I got to shoot film composer David Newman conducting the American Youth Symphony. So awesome! Start with […]
Garden – Party
Yesterday was a busy day – I had two things to do! Up early I made cake pops for Angel’s party. She said to bring something, so as usual I had to figure out something sweet to bring. Cake pops are easy to make, have a great presentation and are fun to eat! I made […]
Fun and Pretty
Went to NAMM on Friday for work. We get passes from Hal Leonard and it’s always fun to walk the halls in Anaheim for the annual NAMM show. I went down with Janet, Emily and Kristina. Janet is a NAMM vet (no, not a Veteran of Vietnam). She actually goes and knows people. We are […]
Day of Wine and Roses
We’ve been participating in the Venice Garden Tour every year since the beginning. It’s a fun looky loo extravaganza and sneak peek beyond the fences and doors. Dave and rented bikes this year and saw about half of the places. Here’s a few shots of our day.
Secret Gardens
Dave and I did the annual Secret Gardens of Venice tour last weekend. We saw a couple from prior years but, as usual, it doesn’t disappoint.