Fast Company Recommender!

In April I went to Boston for the Rethink Music Conference. It was great. The conference was smallish but effective. When I got back I was contacted by Fast Company magazine to see if I would participate in their The Recommender column. Um, yeah of course! I can recommend stuff! Plus it’s a great magazine. […]
Argg, there’s a new iPad! It’s so pretty! I have one – the 3G version. I love it. I didn’t think I would but it’s awesome. I’ve subscribed to magazines again with it. Vanity Fair, Elle and Wired. Paper seems so old now. Although I do love reading the Sunday paper – spreading it out […]
Birthday Girl

I’ve worked with Fran for years. Many years. We’ve gone through a lot of work shit together and came out on the other side better, calmer and well, older! It is her birthday today. I’ve been doing these faux magazine covers as birthday “cards”. First was Kristina, then Emily and now Fran. They are all […]