2014 Moments

I did this last year and thought I’d do it again. I went through all of the photos on my phone for the past 12 months and picked some favorites or just fun moments.
Best of 2014

Some of my favorite moments from 2014. Top row left: Taja emulating Carrie Bradshaw in an ode to Sex in the City, Eliana’s Pink horse, Green Bench outside Bluebird, Kings Road London, Debra at 9 months, Dave on the piano at Sonic Fuel Studios, Carolina headshot taken on rooftop, London Eye Capsules, Night shot of […]
2013 Flipgram Review

This is a little late but thought I’d post it anyway. Flipgram is a very cool app. You load in whatever photos you have on your phone and it makes a little movie out of it. You can set the speed and add music to it. I ended up having more photos from the last […]
Best of 2013

Here’s a summary of my life in photos for 2013. It started out with my usual trip to Cannes and London but this time Janet came which made it a bit more fun. I got to show her a tiny bit of Europe and London. She was in awe and I loved it. […]
3 Years

First Memorial Day now today. June 6 is the anniversary of my father’s passing. Jack O’Donohue. It’s funny how his death and my mother’s death have stuck with me so strong. And Didi of course. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t think of all three of them.
Memorial Day

I still think about my Dad. A lot. It’s been almost 3 years now since he passed away and it seems like yesterday. And here it is Memorial Day weekend and it all comes back full strength. My Dad and his brother Paul, Uncle Paul, were both in the Army. Dad was older […]
Grape Throat

Well I went “wine tasting” with Carolina and Haydee (C and H for short). My version of wine tasting is that you go around to different wineries, say in Napa Valley or some such place like that, and get small tastings of their offerings to see if you want to buy a bottle or two […]
Coke and Pope

Aww well my babies are one year old now! Can you believe it? They are such big girls now but alas still kittens. I don’t think they’ll be fully grown for at least another year. Coco (Coquette) is still the queen bee. She does everything first and is the Alpha cat. She perpetually has a […]

Well it all came off without a hitch. The whole thing. The surprise and the second surprise! Katy and I met in the Miami airport. She arrived first and waited for me outside my gate. I was so excited the day finally came. I booked the trip in June, 2012! We gave Katy the trip […]

Another successful trip to Cannes and London. This time it was a bit funner because Janet got to go. It was great watching her experience the flight, the locations and the experience. First flight was great. I don’t normally fly British Airways as it’s hugely expensive but Mick Fleetwood and Brad Pitt were on our […]
Best of 2012

I’ve had a few days off after my traveling and running around with Katy. I decided months ago that I would take this week off and just recover. I’m traveling again in a few weeks so I know I need this rest. I’ve been sleeping to 9:30 & 10am! Crazy. Anyhoo, I […]
Year End Special

I’ve been recovering all day. Exhausted! Katy’s on her way back to NC. How lucky am I to watch her experience Los Angeles. The trip was great. We made a list of things to do and pretty much accomplished everything on the list. Katy was enthusiastic and willing to try everything. Katy’s a great kid […]

My niece Katy got a trip to Los Angeles for her birthday! So we flew back to LA from North Carolina the day after Christmas. We’ve been running her ragged as we like to do with visitors. We mapped out the usual places to go visit and have been seeing them every day. The Grove, […]
She’s Here

Kristina had her baby. Ivy. She’s totally adorable and looks like a cross between Mom and Dad. Which is always nice. Janet and I went over and took some photos of her. Double team. It was way more fun and productive to do it together. Janet really knows how to […]
Coco Flu & Look Up

Coco got the flu. Poor baby. It started with a weird sore on her neck that turned into a hot spot. A trip to the vet and a shave and she was healing up. Two days later the sneezing starts. Then she got a fever. So we’re on day 5 of the antibiotics and she’s […]
Veteran’s Day

Here’s my Dad and his brother Paul circa 1972 in Viet Nam. They were both career Army officers and had great careers that took both of them all over the world. My Dad served in the Korean War and went to Viet Nam. Twice. He was commanding officer of Operation New Life that processed Vietnamese refugees coming […]
Voter Supression

I don’t usually do political things but this is really something. Sarah Silverman is hilarious and really does a great job in explaining the voter suppression situation that’s taking over our election process. It’s a damn shame and illustrates perfectly how dirty the republicans play. http://letmypeoplevote2012.com/
Fast Company Recommender!

In April I went to Boston for the Rethink Music Conference. It was great. The conference was smallish but effective. When I got back I was contacted by Fast Company magazine to see if I would participate in their The Recommender column. Um, yeah of course! I can recommend stuff! Plus it’s a great magazine. […]
Fleurette & Coquette

The passing of my beloved and wonderful Didi had a big impact on me. I really missed her and have been pretty depressed since she died. She just went too soon and I was totally unprepared. In the weeks that have passed I have not slept well – keep waking up at 4:45am. The house […]

Happy Birthday Mom! I know she would have loved the party but not the advancing age. I always thought of her as a little kookie, creative and a wheeler dealer. She was smart, tall, thin and beautiful. One of the greatest gifts she gave me was the confidence to do anything I wanted. She always […]
Aloha and Mahalo

Didi’s gone and I needed a break so I booked a trip to Kauai. Before I left however I found out what happened to her. My long time vet Dr Kent from Westside Hospital for Cats did an autopsy. Didi had inflammation on the interior walls of her heart and a blood clot killed her. […]
Hole In My Heart

She’s still gone. My Didi. There’s a giant hole in my heart. Of course it doesn’t help that it was the anniversary of my Mom’s death the day after Didi died. Why do all the people I love die in June? What’s up with that? I used to love June. Summer starts, school is out, […]