Walter Mitty Clementine Cake

Ok so I work for the studio that made The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. So right upfront you’d think I’d be biased towards the film. Well working for Fox has nothing to do with it. I really love every second and every frame of this movie. To quote Sophia Grace, it is SOOOO […]

Ms. Stewart introduced me to these about 10 years ago and I’ve made these every winter since. They’re pretty easy to make but you have to be very careful with the hot syrup. They are great in hot chocolate especially if you use a bittersweet chocolate. The bitter chocolate with the sweet marshmallow is a […]
Sweet Things

My personal collection of recipes, stories and photographs. Available at Blurb, Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle store Sweet Things (softcover) by Cathy Merenda | Make Your Own Book

I should have posted this last week but I’ve had a pretty bad ear ache and it’s taken me a while to get it together. Anyhoo, I’m on it now! Last week the iTunes email featured a spotlight on Cooking and a link to dessert books. So, naturally I clicked on it as well, you […]
Book! Book! Book!
My book is out! My book is out! This morning I woke up and did the same thing I’ve done since last Monday, turn on my iPad and do a search for Sweet Things in the iBookstore. Every day….nothing. When Sweet Things showed up in the store this morning I nearly fell out of bed! Sweet […]
Sweet Things epub

Sweet Things was initially a fun little idea I got about 4 years ago. Walking around the Los Angeles Convention Center at the Wired Next Fest I saw the Blurb booth. Dave said, “you can write a book”. So I did. This was October, 2008. It took until the beginning of December, 2008 to put […]
Argg, there’s a new iPad! It’s so pretty! I have one – the 3G version. I love it. I didn’t think I would but it’s awesome. I’ve subscribed to magazines again with it. Vanity Fair, Elle and Wired. Paper seems so old now. Although I do love reading the Sunday paper – spreading it out […]
Homemade Pop-Tarts
They’re kind of like PIE but better and their kind of like POP TARTS only better. Little hand pies. I made them for Thanksgiving. Paul Prudhommes Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Pop Tarts (say that 3 times fast). They came out ok. They tasted great and held together but it’s beed SO dry here (humidity 22%) […]
Girls Night Out

Dave & I taped “Girls Night Out” with Toney Pozek for GNAT-TV in Manchester, VT. I made four recipes from my book, “Sweet Things” in front of a live audience. Hot Chocolate, Granola, Pecan Sticky Buns and Savory Ricotta Tortes were enjoyed by the audience. My sister Judy came along and helped with a ton of stuff. The show […]
Sweet Things 2nd edition

Just got the second edition of Sweet Things back from the printer. Looks great and is so much thicker than the 1st edition! Yeah! Going off to Vermont soon to tape Girls Night Out… eep!
Not Much Has Changed

Found this picture at my Dad’s house. Am going to use it in the 2nd ed. of Sweet Things. Funny to see that not much has changed with me…