Oh Baby Baby

Has there been an explosion of babies on the earth? Or at least in Southern California? I dunno but seems like everywhere I go, everywhere I look or every person I talk to either has a baby, or is going to have a baby or is thinking of having a baby. Eep. Anyhow, […]
38 Weeks

Wow she’s huge. But she looks great! Actually the baby is big not Kristina. She actually looks totally like herself with the exception of the giant b-ball in her stomach. Starting my name sending campaign. Fingers crossed for a Thanksgiving birth!

Elaine has been one of my muses for a while. She’s beautiful and poised and fun. I took photos of her and Chris as an engagement session down in Santa Monica in 2010. Actually the day my father died. Not when we were shooting but late that night. So I will always remember that. They […]
One Year
This year was better than last year for me. Last year was a tough year. On all fronts. This year has not been without it’s serious stresses but I’ll live. Summer was pregnant last year and now we are celebrating the one year birthday of her daughter Nora. Nora is simply adorable. Sweet and girlish […]
Janet is almost there! Still preggy after all these years. Well at least months, weeks and days. Still hanging in there! She’s absolutley gorgeous. Really. Now that she’s relaxed and knows she will have two healthy children she is positively glowing. I had put on my calendar that tomorrow would be the day she would […]
29 Weeks and counting….
Went to visit Janet today. She looks good after being tied up in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks. I guess that’s what she needed to get over the hump. They’re 3 lbs now and getting bigger by the second. The 3D (or is it 4D) ultrasound showed that the boy looks JUST like Zack. […]
Pinky Blue

I knew Janet was having twins 2 months ago. I guess she felt she had to tell someone so she told me because I’m her boss and she would be having a lot of doctors appointments. Of course I was about to burst with the news but I did not tell anyone. That’s the way […]
Miss Kat
Kat is a singer/songwriter. A really talented one. I saw her perform a few months ago and met her then. Very sweet young lady who is having a baby. Her baby will be Marley Jolie. Sweet! We met at a park in the OC on Super Bowl Sunday. She is also super photogenic and gorgeous. […]
Preggy 8 months
Wow, they are really getting big now. Mid September due dates so the countdown is ON. One boy and one girl. Janet took most of the photos but I barged in and snapped some too. Eep!
Life Goes On
OK after weeks and weeks of worry and sadness we go back to where we were before. Only different. We’re different. We’ve gone through things and came out on the otherside mostly intact but definitely not the same. We had the third preggy photo shoot today. Janet took the picts this time. I did the […]
Mother’s Day
Summer, Leanna and Janet are all expecting (girl, boy, girl) and they are all due within days of each other! They are all beautiful and I hope to chronicle their progress in the coming months. Yo baby!