Walter Mitty Clementine Cake

Ok so I work for the studio that made The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. So right upfront you’d think I’d be biased towards the film. Well working for Fox has nothing to do with it. I really love every second and every frame of this movie. To quote Sophia Grace, it is SOOOO […]

Ms. Stewart introduced me to these about 10 years ago and I’ve made these every winter since. They’re pretty easy to make but you have to be very careful with the hot syrup. They are great in hot chocolate especially if you use a bittersweet chocolate. The bitter chocolate with the sweet marshmallow is a […]
Not So Sweet
Janet can’t eat sugar or carbs because it makes her blood sugar go up. So today is her birthday and she can’t have any sweet! As is the tradition in our department you get stuffed with food on your birthday. That’s just the way we roll. 9am is breakfast, normally bagels or some other wheat […]