3 Years

First Memorial Day now today. June 6 is the anniversary of my father’s passing. Jack O’Donohue. It’s funny how his death and my mother’s death have stuck with me so strong. And Didi of course. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t think of all three of them.
Memorial Day

I still think about my Dad. A lot. It’s been almost 3 years now since he passed away and it seems like yesterday. And here it is Memorial Day weekend and it all comes back full strength. My Dad and his brother Paul, Uncle Paul, were both in the Army. Dad was older […]
Veteran’s Day

Here’s my Dad and his brother Paul circa 1972 in Viet Nam. They were both career Army officers and had great careers that took both of them all over the world. My Dad served in the Korean War and went to Viet Nam. Twice. He was commanding officer of Operation New Life that processed Vietnamese refugees coming […]
Hole In My Heart

She’s still gone. My Didi. There’s a giant hole in my heart. Of course it doesn’t help that it was the anniversary of my Mom’s death the day after Didi died. Why do all the people I love die in June? What’s up with that? I used to love June. Summer starts, school is out, […]

I know I just mentioned my Dad on Memorial Day but today is the anniversary of his passing. June 6, 2010. It was not unexpected or shocking but I was still shaken to the core. The intense family drama surrounding the intensity of watching my tall, strong and capable father die was overwhelming. Although it […]
Another Day

Another day goes by and I am thinking of my Dad. He left us in June 2010 and really a day doesnt go by where I don’t think of him..and my Mom. Love them both and miss them tremendously. I really do. My Dad was a 30 year Army vet so every memorial day I […]

Last year I decided to scan the hundreds of slides we found in my parent’s stuff. I’ve scanned over 1,000 slides and gave them as gifts to my brothers and sister at Christmas. During my Christmas trip Tim came over for dinner at Judys with a huge box FILLED with slides. The next day I […]
Col. John D. O’Donohue US Army retired. 29 year US Army Veteran. I love you Dad and miss you.
Wow. This was a big week. I didn’t realize how much anxiety I had waiting for this week to be over until now. There’s a reason why people are buried right after they die. Closure. My Dad passed away on June 6th but we just buried him on Sept 22nd. Being a retired Army Colonel, […]
House For Sale :0(
We’ll it’s all coming to a head soon. Dad’s house is on the market. Kind of a shock to see the “for sale” sign out front. The house looks great thanks to a lot of hard work from Jack, Judy, Tim, David and various friends. Boy they all worked so hard. Especially Jack. And it’s […]
Well today is the one month anniversary of the death of my father, Jack O’Donohue. We’re still recovering. Lots of tragedy in the past 2 months. I know of 6 people who have died and one house that caught fire. Lots of sudden major changes in people’s lives. That said, life does go on. I […]
I’m an orphan now. My Mom passed away suddenly 5 years ago and my Dad passed away last night. It’s been a tough 6 weeks. He held on to the very end then finally went peacefully. Yesterday morning they transferred him from his home where we had set up hospice care to the hospice facility. […]