
I should have posted this last week but I’ve had a pretty bad ear ache and it’s taken me a while to get it together. Anyhoo, I’m on it now! Last week the iTunes email featured a spotlight on Cooking and a link to dessert books. So, naturally I clicked on it as well, you […]
Book! Book! Book!
My book is out! My book is out! This morning I woke up and did the same thing I’ve done since last Monday, turn on my iPad and do a search for Sweet Things in the iBookstore. Every day….nothing. When Sweet Things showed up in the store this morning I nearly fell out of bed! Sweet […]
Sweet Things epub

Sweet Things was initially a fun little idea I got about 4 years ago. Walking around the Los Angeles Convention Center at the Wired Next Fest I saw the Blurb booth. Dave said, “you can write a book”. So I did. This was October, 2008. It took until the beginning of December, 2008 to put […]